Wednesday, October 27, 2004


My, oh my! I would say that the Kerry crowd is getting the cart before the horse in their latest blame Bush tirade. The unsubstantiated allegations that the Bush himself lost all those high explosives to the Iraqui militants is pretty stern stuff so near the election eve.
Of course this is just the latest example of Kerry's wontan tactics.
Wonder how he passed up the opportunity to blame the president for the flood that launched Noah's Ark.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Haunting Problem

Secularist are those worldly folk who do not believe in spirituality. They discount any notion of a deity, of a higher power, of a superior being that provides a guide for conduct that has overseen the functioning of human civilizations virtually from the beginning, whether it was creation, evolution or the Big Bang
which created an ecosystem favorable to human existence.

They reject the possibility and necessity of such a force whether it be God of the Christians and Jews, or Allah of Islam, Bramha of the Hindus, Buddha of Buddhism, the great spirit Manitou of the American Indians and even the mythical gods of the Greeks and Romans from antiquity.

Virtually all of humanity from time beyond time has found the necessity for seeking relief from the very human problems that have plagued all humans for eternities. That search produced much needed reasoning for faith, hope and guidelines of conduct for relief from suffering, allowing an orderly progression of man's developement.

And, pray tell me, why would the secularists, a very small minority, abandon the spirituality that has played such a signifiant role in man's destiny? What's to be gained by their ploy of seeing or sensing only what is visible?

May the good Lord bless them with insight and common sense.