I would hope that these thoughts could be a call to arms in the war for the soul of this great nation, conceived within a format of freedom, responsibility and self reliance, that has grown to become a beacon of faith and hope for the world.
It is a critical battle over which the opposing lines are being more clearly drawn. That said, it is with humility that I should endeavor to identify some of the opposing adversaries that are currently joined in the conflict.
The recent election for the presidency of the United States brought a number of likely facts into focus. The more conservative of voters, the Republicans, and their incumbent, George Bush, were favored decisively by the electorate over their liberal leaning Democratic opponents.
Most analysts and pundits pointed to “values” and “morals” as decisive factors. Not that Democrats have no morals nor values. Of course they do, basically. But they allowed themselves to be tainted by close association with some extreme elitist factions who preach distinctively un-American philosophy. They seemingly want to deride all that this American dream is all about.
Well, there is that sleezy segments of Hollywood and other “artistes”, ala Michael Moore and many dramatic psuedo celebrities who believe their moment of fame allows them license to prattle nonsense. They, as a group, are not noted for positive inclinations. Not exactly moral examples.
There is the psuedo intelligencia of academia which has somehow captured all the answeres for all the problems from their ivory towers. They believe their plans are better than the Lord’s. Mostly unproven theories about values.
There is a fraction of the populous that believes that government has all the responsibility for their lives and can be “bought” with socialistic promises. No responsible values there.
There is the “mainstream media” that includes the network channel news and a number of top-rung newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and others who forget a basic journalistic ethic that that says personal
opinion should not color the handling of news stories. There the bias is obvious, offending and irresponsible.
Then there is the secular segment of the population, the most frightening of all, who would irresponsibly have God, or any other vestige of a “higher power.” shorn from a nation whose founders were inspired by God, prayed for God’s help, paid tribute to God for the blessing of freedom and democracy.
All those noted above, with certain other groups and individuals, are pressing their attacks on the goodness and well-being of this great nation for whatever reason they may find in
their convoluted thinking. They accentuates the negatives and eliminates the positives.
They would rewrite our history, restructure our traditions, dilute our morals, take God and the faith and the hope He provides and His directions for communal living out of our lives.
Whence then?